git commands
Camille Chang
  1. git clean, used to remove untracked files from the working tree. It’s important to be cautious with this command, as it will permanently delete these files.
  • To see what files would be removed without actually deleting them, you can run: git clean -n
  • To remove untracked files (excluding directories), you can use: git clean -f
  • also want to remove untracked directories, you can add the -d option: git clean -fd
  1. git gc, cleans up unnecessary files and optimizes the local repository. It does not affect the working tree or the current state of the project
  2. git reflog, shows a list of the recent actions in the repository, including commits, amends, rebases, and more.
  3. git fast forward merge, does not create a new commit.
    git fast forward merge
  • If you prefer to have a merge commit for record-keeping purposes (such as in certain team workflows), you can use the –no-ff option with git merge to force Git to create a new merge commit even when it could perform a fast-forward merge.
  • Reference:
  1. git push -f (Force Push), forcefully updates the remote branch with the current state of your local branch. This can be dangerous, as it rewrites the history on the remote.
  • The command would look something like this: git push -f origin branch_name.
    6 git remote remove, used to remove a remote reference from your local Git configuration. It does not affect the commits or the remote repository itself.